Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Stitches and staples are gone! Feels so much better....they even moved my brace so I could bend it past 30 degrees, and I don't have to use that stupid CPM knee bendy machine anymore since it hurts my knee. Bad news---I still can't drive for 3 more weeks. Although I did ask my Dr's asst. if I could call in about 2 weeks to see if I could drive cause well, my Mom can't stay 3 more weeks and I can't expect people to drive me around, especially to and from PT 3 times a week.

Went for a spin in my truck this morning with my Mom....it took 6 times before it would start---kinda scared me. But it has been sitting for almost 2 1/2 weeks. We'll have to take it out more often now..that's the last thing I need to worry about is my truck!

But doing okay. Only taking tylenol now for what little pain I do have, but it's very rare. I'm just happy I can put weight on my foot and not walk on my toes anymore..and Hallelujah---no more stupid white nylon socks that make it 20 degrees hotter than normal--that I'm super happy about that!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a good 4th of July! Glad you are doing better! Just seeing your picts makes me hurt...you're superwoman!
    Take care,
