Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 2

Sweet Lord I'm bored. I've watched so much TV and movies I'm about to go crazy. All my medicine makes me crazy thirsty, but that has a bad side--means I have to make the trek to the bathroom. It's good exercise. Part of my bandage slid down and as I pulled it back up all I saw were staples. At least I know where the incision starts now, which makes sense cause that's of course where the brace lines up. The brace I have now is way better than before, doesn't slide around too much. Mom had to go buy bags of ice cause our icemaker can't keep up with my ice needs :) It swells quickly (like after I walk around) and then takes forever to go down. Did my crazy leg bending machine for 2 hours straight today--usually take a bit of a break, but I actually took a nap while it was going. My knee feels so much better when it moves like that! I'm not looking forward to physical therapy tomorrow, but merely because of the car ride and trying to walk around outside the least here I can slide my good foot instead of lifting it up every single time (thank goodness for tile floors).

Right now I'm watching the Dog Whisperer only cause Mom went grocery shopping and Baxter is lying in bed with me. He loves to watch TV and Ceasar...i mean he actually watches the TV. He's a good pup and slept with me all last night and didn't move an inch so as not to disturb my knee. He's doing pretty good.

Well that's all for now. Pain is pain but it's getting better...not so much better just as bearable. My throat still hurts a bit from the breathing tube and I know my Mom is bored as heck. I'm glad she's here cause I would for sure not be eating or drinking, or be able to do that CPM machine--she has to lift that everyday, twice a day for me :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey girlie :) Hope you are feeling least a little. I have a shower seat if you need one. A plastic chair may be higher, easier since you don't have to bend so far. Just let me know!! cute picts especially of your doggie... Take care& hugs!! Shelley
