Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Recovery day 1...

Hey all. Well I'm home...
Got the CPM machine delivered---crazy thing that bends my knee to certain angles that they tell me to set at..bends it really slow. I have to take off my brace to do that but then put it right back on. I can only put pressue on my toes when I walk on crutches...thank goodness for tile floors cause I just slide my other foot along :)
They delivered an elevated toilet seat (WONDEROUS invention), but it didn't fit in the space in our bathroom and frankly was a little snug for me too....so Mom ventured across town to just buy a regular elevated toilet seat w/out handles attached. Awesome difference.

I can shower as of tomorrow...didn't get a shower seat yet, but the nurse at the hospital said a lot of her patients use the outside plastic chairs cause they are sturdy and don't scratch the tub. I could care less...I just want to shower...who wouldn't want to wrap their leg in a garbage bag sealed with duck tape. But i'm sure it will be the best shower ever!!!!

The surgery went well...Dr. sd it was smooth and only took 3 hrs. I ended up with part of someone's achilles tendon too...and part of one of the ligaments on my side was regrowing tissue so he took mine and the new stuff and screwed them together. Now I can really say I have a screw loose cause I have I think he said 5 or 6 of them. He had to shave off some torn catilage as well..so that is actually what is kinda sore (dull pain really).

Nothing too exciting besides that. I'm just kinda laying in bed now, doped up every 4 hrs, and then other pills every 8 hrs. It's surprising how naseaous you get even though you don't eat or have anything in your system, but that probably explained it right there.
They tried lotsa different pain meds and the only one that worked was Darvocet (my old friend)...Morphine didn't do anything for me--crazy.
Feel free to email, call, whatever...I'm just lying here and sometimes I"m conscious and sometimes I'm not.
Thanks so much for all the prayers and good thoughts. Recovery on the way--let's just hope for the least amt of pain possible! First PT is Thursday!

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