Tuesday, June 9, 2009

nerves are settin in

I picked up my paperwork today, tomorrow I turn it in to HR and then it's all uphill from there. Paid some medical bills tonight (can't wait for those to start piling up). My Mom is making the PA to TX drive alone, well she says she's not alone cause she has Baxter (her dog), but he can't drive. I'm soooo worried about her! That's such a long drive. I'm so scared someone is going to break into her car and steal Baxter...sounds irrational but hello...it happened in Ft Worth a month ago!

Me, I'm nervous bout my surgery and all, but at this point there is nothing I can do...it has to be done. Sure I've had the dreams where something goes wrong and I lose my leg or worse, I die...but it's all in God's hands with this one. Anyone who says they don't think about that stuff before a big surgery is full of it.

Anywho...that's it until Monday. I'll probably have someone else post a quick thing saying I'm okay. I did set it up so y'all could leave comments under "anonymous" if you want.

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