Friday, June 12, 2009


So my surgery time just got changed. I have to be at the hospital at 6 am Monday. Why even bother changing out of my pj's? Oh well, it'll be done and over with then. And I stay in the hospital for 23 hours, but not more than 24. So I'll be in observation 23 hrs plus some minutes, and then released...which to my calculations will be like 5 am the next day! Ridiculous. I will not be a happy camper...i was told they come in and bend and straighten my knee right away and before I leave I have to be able to stand and somewhat walk with my crutches. Give someone tons of pain medicine and then 2 sticks to balance on....who came up with that????

Anyone...that's the latest development. My Mom got here last night, so she's probably still sleeping with the Baxter by her side.

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