Friday, July 3, 2009

nuttin too new to report...

So is my life: sleep horribly (who can sleep with a big ole brace on their leg), get up for physical therapy 3 times a week and maybe a dr. appt somewhere in there, then back home to ice my knee and take a nap then watch some T.V. or read or play with Baxter and talk to my Mom. On the off days I do my physical therapy exercises at basically my days are all the same.
Since I can finally sit in the front seat of a car my Mom does take me out for a spin sometimes just to get out of the house.
My life is very boring right now. But it's amazing how just doing a hour of PT a day can just plain exhaust ya when you have very little strength in your leg. And my knee has given out more times since the surgery, but thank goodness for crutches. Basically Dr. sd it's cause there is not enough strength in it yet.
so that's about it

1 comment:

  1. Our leg's muscles or knee ligaments could be become stronger by effective knee exercises. Need is to have exercises in the supervision of a good physician.
