Wednesday, June 24, 2009

just recovering

Nuttin too new to report. Progress is slow and somewhat painful but bearable. Stitches and staples are looking good, and I'm hoping at my follow up appointment on the 30th they take out the staples :) fingers crossed.
Thank goodness my Mom is here to help me out. I think I've gone through at least 50 pounds of ice, and more everyday. Added some pics of my war wounds.
At PT today I they measured my bend after an hour of stretching at 85 degrees...right now my brace is locked at 30 degrees, and my knee bendy machine is not going higher than 45 degrees. Dr. is taking a cautious approach since he did so much work. I'm okay with that cause it feels good to move it but not afteward.

First pic is of my ACL stitches on top of my big swollen knee. The second is a side view of my staples and stitches (we counted at least 28 but could be more since they overlap and are close together). Third is a close up.

1 comment:

  1. that's friggin gross Kristi...

    but I hope you are doing well, work is boring at times

