Thursday, June 18, 2009

Whew physical therapy...

Had my first official physical therapy today. I did really well and they were impressed with my strength levels. I'll be super busy from now on..have to do my PT stuff twice a day, plus my knee bendy machine (CPM) for at least 6-7 hrs a day.
I forgot to count my staples, but I know there are at least 25 on the side of my leg, and then stitches throughout everywhere else. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll take some pictures. The staples look like regular ole staple gun staples. It's crazy! They are heavy duty.

And there is not enough ice in the world. I've already gone through a 10 lb bag in 2 days. I have ice on it constantly and then these lovely circulation nylon socks that I have to wear so I don't get a blood clot--super hot! But yeah they make me sweat like crazy (basically panty hose but heavier that go thigh and cover my toes). But they help..I admit it. Leg isn't as swollen as it should be. The physical therapist said she's going to put in a request to my dr. for an "iceman", which is a brace that has three cords connected and is connected to an ice chest that you fill with ice that turns into ice water and filters through the brace...they have one there and it's HEAVEN!! It was set at 49 degrees today and it was awesome at physical therapy.
Oh they started me on some shock stuff too...little nodes or something they stick on my leg and it tingles cause it's stimulating my nerves. They said I have to retrain my muscles to work and then the new ligments have to grow/attach blood vessels so my body accepts them.

So to sum it up: I'll be lying in my bed attached to a machine or doing PT exercises w/ my Mom's help, or going to PT. Will be a fun few weeks! My Mom said she'll probably leave the end of the month after my follow up dr. appt. Hopefully I'll be able to drive by then, although now I have to slide into the back of the car with my leg straight out, so that would be some major progress by then. Fingers crossed.

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