Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2 more weeks...

So I went to dr. today and I don't have to wear my brace anymore! YAY! I'd of been more happy if I could get rid of the crutches but I knew that wasn't gonna happen at least for a few more weeks. I go back to see him in 4 weeks and he said by then I should be walking mostly normal (thank God!). I can't put too much weight on it yet, still he wants to take the cautious approach...which I'm okay with since I don't want to go through this again. He said it's only 2 weeks and he'd rather not have me work from home yet so he wouldn't sign off on it...his main concern is if I go back to work, have a really bad day (pain wise) and I have to leave and have no time to do it..so he'd rather me recover as much as possible while at home. The 2 weeks will go fast I'm sure of it.

But on a super fun note: I came out from dr. appt and my car was dead. Called AAA and a lovely man came to jump the car. Drove it home, let it run for about 15 minutes, turned it off, then it sounded like a loud jackhammer. SO...I used another AAA service call to have them come tow it to J&M Auto by the house, after I called and told them the whole story and said I thought it was the starter. So waiting for the tow truck from Aubrey, who probably knows the neighborhood oh so well to begin with (insert sarcasm here)...so hopefully J&M will fix it tomorrow. Jen said she would take me to PT in the morning and then I can go get my truck sometime tomorrow afternoon. Lord help me!
Oh well...stuff happens. Haven't had an adventure like this in a while.

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