Thursday, July 16, 2009

it's about to get interesting....

Well, my Mom is leaving Saturday. I hate her driving by herself but there is nuttin I can do about it. We checked the weather already too and it'll be best to travel this weekend than during the week (rain wise). Plus I tried to explain that I only have 2 weeks before I go back to work (unless mr. dr. has something to say about it) and I have to get into some sort of routine and do things by myself. She understood and that helped make the decision. I hate to see her go, but I do have to start doing things alone. Driving has been interesting to say the least. I think that will be a deciding factor if August 3rd is my back to work date as far as the dr. is concerned.

Shelley graciously lugged a shower seat to work and I picked it up tonight. Yeah didn't really think that one thru--it didn't fit the tub. So I ordered one online from Wal-Mart for like $40. No biggie. Too bad I won't be able to use it for a while now...I don't have enough leg strength to get in and out and stand I'm sure I'll devise some weird way to use it besides the lovely green lawn chair with my legs dangling out.

Other than that...physical therapy hurts like a mo fo; it's a slow process but it's getting better. I've gone a few places with my Mom to stock up on stuff and just walking around is hard. It takes twice as much energy for me to take one step than a normal person to take 4. Plus this stupid brace that only lets me bend my knee 30 degrees is gettin on my damn nerves...I admit it..when I'm at home I take it off all the time, and I started sleeping without it too. Without it, I've actually slept thru the night! Amazing how a big piece of metal can keep you from sleeping peacefully.

Oh well...that's about it for now.

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