Monday, July 27, 2009


Next week i go back to work. man it's gonna be hard getting up early again!

today was Joe's last day as my PT guy--man I'm gonna miss him! But it's a good career change for him. He said it's very bittersweet but something he's gotta do..totally understandable. Sadly right after he stretched me I was so set on getting my appts before the other lady that went back to work I forgot to tell him thank you. Feel horrible about that! But now that he's gone they don't have too many late appts for PT (I think they have 3 people left) all next week my PT is at 4 pm---sounds nice but not when you don't have the time to take off, but gotta do what I gotta do. It's only 3 days a week and it's the only way I'll get back to normal...normal as can be.

Well my leg is super swollen today--thank you rain---so gonna lay here and elevate and ice it. Not that i'm not cold enough, but it helps.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2 more weeks...

So I went to dr. today and I don't have to wear my brace anymore! YAY! I'd of been more happy if I could get rid of the crutches but I knew that wasn't gonna happen at least for a few more weeks. I go back to see him in 4 weeks and he said by then I should be walking mostly normal (thank God!). I can't put too much weight on it yet, still he wants to take the cautious approach...which I'm okay with since I don't want to go through this again. He said it's only 2 weeks and he'd rather not have me work from home yet so he wouldn't sign off on it...his main concern is if I go back to work, have a really bad day (pain wise) and I have to leave and have no time to do he'd rather me recover as much as possible while at home. The 2 weeks will go fast I'm sure of it.

But on a super fun note: I came out from dr. appt and my car was dead. Called AAA and a lovely man came to jump the car. Drove it home, let it run for about 15 minutes, turned it off, then it sounded like a loud jackhammer. SO...I used another AAA service call to have them come tow it to J&M Auto by the house, after I called and told them the whole story and said I thought it was the starter. So waiting for the tow truck from Aubrey, who probably knows the neighborhood oh so well to begin with (insert sarcasm here) hopefully J&M will fix it tomorrow. Jen said she would take me to PT in the morning and then I can go get my truck sometime tomorrow afternoon. Lord help me!
Oh well...stuff happens. Haven't had an adventure like this in a while.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

it's about to get interesting....

Well, my Mom is leaving Saturday. I hate her driving by herself but there is nuttin I can do about it. We checked the weather already too and it'll be best to travel this weekend than during the week (rain wise). Plus I tried to explain that I only have 2 weeks before I go back to work (unless mr. dr. has something to say about it) and I have to get into some sort of routine and do things by myself. She understood and that helped make the decision. I hate to see her go, but I do have to start doing things alone. Driving has been interesting to say the least. I think that will be a deciding factor if August 3rd is my back to work date as far as the dr. is concerned.

Shelley graciously lugged a shower seat to work and I picked it up tonight. Yeah didn't really think that one thru--it didn't fit the tub. So I ordered one online from Wal-Mart for like $40. No biggie. Too bad I won't be able to use it for a while now...I don't have enough leg strength to get in and out and stand I'm sure I'll devise some weird way to use it besides the lovely green lawn chair with my legs dangling out.

Other than that...physical therapy hurts like a mo fo; it's a slow process but it's getting better. I've gone a few places with my Mom to stock up on stuff and just walking around is hard. It takes twice as much energy for me to take one step than a normal person to take 4. Plus this stupid brace that only lets me bend my knee 30 degrees is gettin on my damn nerves...I admit it..when I'm at home I take it off all the time, and I started sleeping without it too. Without it, I've actually slept thru the night! Amazing how a big piece of metal can keep you from sleeping peacefully.

Oh well...that's about it for now.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

same old same old

Once again, nuttin new. PT is getting pretty hard...I hurt a lot today. I just stared at them when they said, "ok, balance on your bad knee and kick your leg to the front, side, back, and over." I got thru them all but when I kicked once in front of my leg it buckled and down I went. I think I had everyone in there over me freaking out. I just needed help up, then they gave me the good iceman pack--it wraps around your leg and cold water is pushed thru the whole thing with tubes--it's awesome!

I don't foresee me going back to work w/out crutches,,,which blows!!!! They said that my new parts haven't developed the blood vessels yet and that's one reason it's not strong enough to walk without the stupid crutches.
And still can't drive. My Mom and I are going to find an empty parking lot on Sunday and see how I do. Gotta experiment.

Knee after staples were taken out. The white strips are just sterile pieces of tape that have been falling off one by one. The lighter pictures were taken today (7/12/09)..healing good!

Friday, July 3, 2009

nuttin too new to report...

So is my life: sleep horribly (who can sleep with a big ole brace on their leg), get up for physical therapy 3 times a week and maybe a dr. appt somewhere in there, then back home to ice my knee and take a nap then watch some T.V. or read or play with Baxter and talk to my Mom. On the off days I do my physical therapy exercises at basically my days are all the same.
Since I can finally sit in the front seat of a car my Mom does take me out for a spin sometimes just to get out of the house.
My life is very boring right now. But it's amazing how just doing a hour of PT a day can just plain exhaust ya when you have very little strength in your leg. And my knee has given out more times since the surgery, but thank goodness for crutches. Basically Dr. sd it's cause there is not enough strength in it yet.
so that's about it